Thursday, January 25, 2007

Arrival Day

Well, I finally arrived in Aberdeen today! After more than six months of preparation, I am finally here! It has been a rough journey these last few days, with my Nana's health fading fast, and having to say goodbye to family and friends. But in spite of everything, I am excited to be in this city and embarking on this adventure. The flights over were not very eventful, thankfully. One interesting occurrence - when we disembarked the plane in Aberdeen, we walked down the stairs from the plane directly onto the tarmac. It makes me think of the way travel used to be done, or of AirForce One. You always see the President walk out the door, stop, wave, and then descend. I almost wanted to do that myself!

We walked around the city center today, taking care of a couple of important purchases and trying to keep me awake so I will sleep tonight. When we were walking down the sidewalk toward one of the malls, we heard live bagpipe music, and saw the bagpipers wearing kilts. That's when it really hit me - I'm in Scotland! Of course, I pulled out my camera and took a picture like the tourist and scrapbooker that I am. I know, I'll see a lot of kilts while I'm here, but this was my first day! (By the way, I forgot the cable to my small digital camera, so once I figure out how to get the photos off of that camera, I will post some photos.)

I'm sure there will be many more experiences to record and share. I just wanted to get down my first thoughts in this initial post.


Bartley Family said...

Glad you are there safely! Can't wait to see your pics. Maybe you have inpired me to update the blog I started last year. Hope you get some rest - take LOTS of pics, especially ones that make Wayne drool over the green grass and golf and take care

Kristen said...

So excited about this blog!!!

Anonymous said...

It's great to know you are already exploring. All our best and we look forward to sharing your experiences. Love you,

dashadra said...

I glad that you made it safely! I will continue to pray for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

So glad you made it safely with no problems in customs! Can't wait to see your pictures. Take care and get some rest!

Bartley Family said...

Barb, just got your e-mail about your grandmother. I am so sorry, I know it's hard for you to be away right now. We will be praying for you! love and take care