Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Searching for the Silver Lining

Well, I think things are going a bit better today. I was able to get some things accomplished on campus. I can finally log in to campus computers, and I even have internet on my laptop in my study office. I talked with the accommodations people, and there should be a postgrad flat available for me to look at on Friday. Then I can decide whether to move or not. It may be worse than where I'm at now! Hopefully not though.

As the title says, I have been searching for the silver lining, trying to see the good in everything. I think I've found four blessings in all of this. 1) My prayer life has definitely increased, because I have no one else to talk to and I have no choice but to rely on Him. 2) I am realizing how blessed I am with friends and family in the States. Everyone has been so good about writing, even when all I do is complain. 3) I am seeing how blessed I am in student housing in Ft. Worth. It seems absolutely luxurious compared to where I am now. And 4) I now know that my tear ducts do work. Who knew?

Well, I'm going to leave campus now. It's dark and rainy, and I need to go catch the bus. So bye for now, but hopefully I'll be writing some more cheerful posts with fun pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

It's a rainy day here as well. I am so pleased to hear you are smiling more today. Your eyes brighten when you smile. You are actually settling in rather fast considering you don't really know much about where you are. I know it doesn't feel that way yet. Keep dry. Love you.

Bartley Family said...

Hang in there - it's nasty and cold here today - Kelsie was hoping for snow so she could miss school but it didn't happen. Glad there is a silver lining. Hope the new flat looks good on Friday. Keep us updated!! love amy b

Anonymous said...

Looking for a silver lining here as know what I mean. : ) We had rain, snow, and sleet at our house. It was great to "talk" to you today. Hope the flat hunting goes well. Keep the blog updated. We enjoy hearing about your adventures -- good and not so good. Would like to hear more about the Illicit Still. Do you think they serve hot tea?

ann said...

So glad you are feeling better and things are looking up. It will only get better honey. What a wonderful opportunity you have there in Scotland. Make the best of everyday. LOVE YA.