Saturday, January 27, 2007


Today we started off the day by taking the bus to the North Sea, where we walked along the beach and saw crazy people surfing in the frigid water. The beach was very rocky, but it didn't stop people and dogs alike from enjoying the nice "warm" weather. Well, it was warm compared to what it's normally like, I suppose!

We also went to Asda, the Scottish equivalent of Walmart. It even has the same smiley face and the same slogans - "falling prices". It definitely didn't have the variety that Walmart has, though. And the pickles - I don't think the Scots and I share the same definition of pickles. Let's just say I will be going through withdrawals by the time I get to back to the States!

These last couple of pictures are ones that I took on our walks into city centre and on the beach today. One is His Majesty's Theatre. Right now Cats is showing there. The other building is the Townhouse. I just think the buildings are very pretty, and I like how the photos turned out. The one of the beach might be my favorite so far - I love the way there are so many linear elements in various directions. Even the clouds seem to be someone linear. Well, that's a summary of my day - the beach, "Walmart," and a lot of photography. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to studying...


Bartley Family said...

It does seem a little strange to take a beach picture in full coat and looking chilly. Looks like it's a beautiful place! Hope your dorm doesn't have the same no heat policy!!! Keep it coming....we are enjoying visiting Scotland with you!

Anonymous said...

I think to earn a little extra money while you're in Scotland you should sell these pics to a travel magazine. They are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

That picture of you on the beach is really pretty.It sounds really cold there.I bet your glad that your not sleeping in a cardbourd box.

Kristen said...

I'm glad you're not sleeping a cardboard box, too! Tell Erin "hi" for me, please. :-)