Friday, January 26, 2007

Cold in Scotland!

I'm sitting here drinking a cup of hot tea, bundled under a blanket, trying to get warm and thinking about how today I saw a taste of typical Scotland weather - rain showers (though not too bad), cold, and lots of wind! Actually, outside is not too bad. My new winter coat is quite warm. I think the coldest I've been is sitting in Jason and Erin's apartment (where I'm staying until I can move into the dorm). It's so expensive to run the heater that they wait until they just can't stand it anymore. Last night I slept under a heavy duvet and 3 blankets - with a hot water bottle at my feet to keep me warm.
We walked up to the University today. Buildings that look so large in photos don't seem quite as big when you're right there. I was kind of surprised. It was still very ancient and beautiful though. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture. But it was kind of rainy anyway - I'll get one on a nicer day. I did get a shot of the Aberdeen skyline.

We walked about 6 miles today, altogether. My legs were dying! And I wore out the heals in my socks already. Oh well. Not only did we go to the school, but we walked back down into city center, where I saw the nicest Starbucks I've ever seen.
Yes, they really do have Starbucks in Scotland! I also saw a McDonald's and Burger King. But they also have a lot of stores and restaurants that I've never heard of. The oddest was a restaurant called "Noose and Monkey." I almost wanted to try it just because of the name. But I won't, because they probably serve haggis as their main entree!


Anonymous said...

I'm cold just reading this! I hope you will be warmer in the dorm. We're up to the 50's in Texas. Feels almost warm. I cannot believe the comment about you forgetting to take a picture. How in the world is that possible??? Glad you're getting the lay of the land. Keep the comments and pics coming.

Anonymous said...

I am freezing reading this! I had to turn on my heater at my desk so I could finish reading it! I love this Blog thing. Way too cool. I am going to live vicariously through you for the next six months. Personally I would have to get a second job to run my heat. No heat for me is not even an option. Stay Warm!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You look really good and appear to be having a wonderful time. I do wonder where are you r gloves and zip that coat up. I also agree with Genny, you should sell some of these photos. Love you bunches,