Sunday, May 27, 2007

Monkey Ball

In our free time, my friend Amie (a fellow PhD in divinity student) and I engage in the ultimate academic pursuit - MONKEY BALL! Actually there's nothing academic about it. It's a video game on Playstation, and our favorite Monkey Ball game is "Monkey Fight." Each player shows up on the screen as a little monkey enclosed in a ball (hence the name), and in Monkey Fight you roll around on a board trying to punch the other players off the board while not falling off yourself. It's really entertaining, especially the trash talk that goes on as we either fall or knock the other player off.

So, why am I sharing this? Because twice in the last week I had the ultimate victory - a clean sweep of three boards where none of the other monkeys (Amie or the two computer characters) won a single level! It was awesome! There's nothing like Monkey Ball to turn your mind from academics...


Anonymous said...

Well, I can see that spending the semester in Aberdeen has certainly added to your education!

Anonymous said...

Cute! Everyone needs relaxing breaks.
Love you