Monday, March 19, 2007

Signs of Spring?

I had a different journey to campus today, since I'm staying at Jason and Erin's flat while they're in the States. So I had to walk to Union Street to catch a bus to campus. On the way, I passed by St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral. Take a look at these pictures. The first one is from my first day in town. The next two are from today. The trees are flowering, and it's so pretty!

So, it looks like Spring, right? Well, looks can be deceiving! Within the next 4 hours after taking these pictures, we had snow, ice, hail, rain, and bitter cold winds. Oh, and sunshine too. This weather is crazy! I guess Spring isn't ready to settle in quite yet. I hope it gets here soon though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how fast nature changes when you are just out have fun and exploring, Great Pics - again! Love you,