Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another vocab lesson

Well, I've been in Aberdeen for a little over a month now, so I'm beginning to get familiar with the lingo. Here's another short lesson in Scottish vocabulary for you

America vs. Scotland:
yes = aye
dinner/supper = tea
dessert = pudding
parking lots = car parks
popcicles = iced lollies
ground meat = mince
potatos = tatties

I'm sure there are many other differences which I have simply forgotten. Also I joined the King's College Chapel Choir, which sings in the crowned chapel for services every sunday morning. It's a lot of fun, and the music is awesome - a lot of classical pieces like English Tudor anthems or masses by Vivaldi and Mozart (certainly no Brooklyn Tab or Prestonwood Choir music!). But I tell you, reading music over here is like learning a new language:

Half notes = minims
Quarter notes = crotchets
Eighth notes = quavers

I think I got that right! I much prefer our way of doing it - at least it makes mathematical sense. Oh, something else amusing - you don't see very many speed limit signs, usually it is painted on the road. But occasionally, in 20mph (or is it kilometer per hour) areas, you will see "Twenty's Plenty" signs. It just cracks me up.

Anyway, I think I'm beginning to get the hang of things. I'm reminded every day, though, that I am definitely living in a foreign country!


Anonymous said...

Your first month has certainly been an adventure. Here's praying the remainder will be even more exciting. Your Scottish Lingo Lessons are very enjoyable. You'll have to share more of them. I know you are going to enjoy the Choir. Good decision. Love you,

Anonymous said...

Love the "twenty's plenty." That is so funny. We are enjoying the Scottish lessons, too. Don't change your language too much.