Monday, February 12, 2007


Well, these last few days have been exactly what I expected when I was preparing to move to Scotland. Rain, rain, and more rain. Not only that, but it's so windy that umbrellas do no good - they just turn inside out!

And cold! I've never been so cold as I was on Sunday. I waited in the cold wind and rain for the bus to go to church, and went to an old cathedral that apparently doesn't pay to heat its building. Man, I about froze in there! I kept my jacket on and everything, but it didn't help. Now I know why they serve coffee and hot tea after services - to thaw out the members!

Anyway, the gloomy weather has put me in a rather gloomy mood at points, but for the most part I am keeping my spirits up (not the kind of spirits that you find in the pubs around here, mind you!). But until this weather clears (which isn't expected until around Thursday), I won't be able to do any more sight-seeing or photography. I can just see my camera getting soaked in this rain! Oh well - I suppose I should use this time to focus on my real reason for being here - research. I accomplished a good bit today, so I guess the rain is good for something!


Bartley Family said...

Well, it's not much better here - cold and I think yucky later in the week. By the way, those "spirits" may warm you too!!! Spiked tea anyone? amy b

Anonymous said...

I guess 'everything in its own time'. At least you still have your humor, 'spirits' :-). Keep warm and good hunting on the research.
Love you,