Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well, this rainy week has not provided much opportunity to get out and enjoy the campus or surrounding areas. It has been very good for my research, though - since it keeps me indoors.
I thought I'd take a few minutes to show you some of the detailed ornamentation around the University of Aberdeen campus. For instance, when you walk through the main entrance to the King's College quadrangle, directly ahead of you is a more modern doorway flanked on either side by statues of animals bearing shields. To be quite honest, I'm not sure what the symbolism of these statues is, though the unicorn seems to be holding the Scottish flag.

Another interesting feature of the campus is the coats of arms that decorate all the oldest buildings, especially over doorways or archways. One example is the one above the main door in King's College Center. These certainly give a feeling of antiquity to the campus, and also add a splash of color to otherwise very grey buildings.

Anyway, this is just a brief look at some of the campus details. I am supposed to tour a castle this weekend, so hopefully I'll have some more interesting photos to share at that time. God bless you all!


Point of Grace said...

Very cool Barb. Isn't it amazing that the oldest buildings we have in the US are just over 200 years old. Just babies compared to Europe. Enjoy your weekend. Looking forward to the photos.


Anonymous said...

I love the decorations the older generations added to their architecture. You do such a great job photographing them. Thanks for sharing. Love you,